Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
  1. Open System Preferences. You can get to System Preferences from the "Apple" menu. Click on "Print & Fax" or "Printers & Scanners" 
    Screenshot of System preferences window highlighting to click on Printers and Scanners
  2. Once in the Printers & Scanners window, click on the Plus (+) icon in the lower left hand corner of the Printers pane.
    Screenshot of Printers and Scanners click on plus sign to add
  3. Once in the Add window, click on Advanced (the gear Icon in the toolbar).

    If you do not see an Advanced icon in the toolbar add it by doing the following:

    Secondary click (or control + primary click) in the top of the pane (in the area where Fax, IP, Windows, Default and a search bar may appear). Select Customize Toolbar.

    picture of selection of add window showing secondary click and selecting customize toolbar
  4. Drag the Advanced item (displayed as a gear) into a space in the top of the toolbar.
    Screenshot of toolbar options, drag Advanced (Gear Icon) to the toolbar.
  5. Click on "Done" after the "Advanced" icon has been added to the Toolbar.
    Screenshot of clicking Done button after adding Advanced (Gear Icon) to the toolbar.