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Apple macOS 10.14 Mojave Now Supported

Update: March 21, 2019

Apple macOS Mojave (10.14) is the fifteenth major release of macOS, Apple's desktop operating system for Apple computers. Released in 2018, it is the successor to High Sierra.

SCS Computing Facilities (SCSCF) offers support for macOS Mojave. It is included with our baseline software offering along with support for issues relating to the operating system and its functionality.

Update: If you currently use an SCS-supported Mac, you can now upgrade your mac via Self Service. Self Service has an installation package available to upgrade to Mojave. If you do not see this package available to you, please contact us, as there may be conflicting or incompatible software/hardware conditions on your computer. 

To request your current Mac be upgraded to Mojave please go to our Computer Equipment Registration Management page. Proceed to the Search, Update and Remove Equipment Support page.

For more information on minimum system requirements for macOS Mojave and Mojave-capable Apple computer models, please visit Apple's website. 

Before You Upgrade: Support Notes and Caveats

As of February 2019, there are a few caveats to be aware of if you wish to use Mojave in the SCS environment:


Update: Archival Backup Service (TiBS) - Our archival backup solution TiBS, now supports macOS Mojave.

Data Protection Service (CrashPlan) - Mojave currently works with the campus cloud backup solution, CrashPlan.

Virus Protection

ESET Endpoint Security - CMU acquired licensing for ESET Endpoint Security and made it available to the community. Once you complete your upgrade to Mojave, you can install the ESET package from Self Service on your SCSCF-Supported Mac.

Andrew File System (AFS)

macOS AFS file management access - There are now options to access AFS on Mojave, please visit the AFS in macOS support information on our website for more information.